News Article
District Strategic Planning Timeline/Documents
The Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) will be assisting in the school district strategic planning process.  The School Board Association will accomplish this by clarifying the school district’s purpose and direction. A school district's Strategic Plan guides and focuses on the actions of the district, departments, and classroom levels. The plan will provide direction for both long and short-term decision-making to fulfill the mission, vision, and goals of ISD 499.  Input from various community and school district groups in developing the district's strategic plan is welcomed.

Link to the Timeline Document:

Strategic Planning Documents:

1st Strategic Planning Meeting PPT
Environmental Scan Input
Homework Assignment for Strategic Planning Committee
LO External Survey Final Summary
LO Internal Survey Final Summary
Sample Belief Mission-Vision Statements
Stakeholder Report - Final
Strategic Planning.State of the School 22-23 PPT

Updated on: 11/15/2022